Top 10 Images - Hubble's Hidden Treasures Unveiled

Top 10 Images - Hubble's Hidden Treasures Unveiled Tube. Duration : 3.77 Mins. ... NASA/ESA Hubblecast 57: Top 10 Images - Hubble's Hidden Treasures Unveiled. In this episode of the Hubblecast, Joe Liske (aka Dr J) presents the winners of the Hidden Treasures image processing competition. In May 2012, Hubblcast asked members of the public to delve into Hubble's vast science archive to uncover pictures that had never been seen outside of the scientific community — and then to try their hand at processing the scientific data into attractive images. This episode presents the top ten images from the several thousand submitted. --- Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • • • • --- A couple of months ago, ESA invited you to have a look at Hubble's vast science archives. Although scientists work with the data all the time, the public don't get to see many of the amazing images that are stored in there. And so it was really great to see so many of you delving into the archive and finding thousands of hidden treasures. Producing the stunning pictures that Hubble is famous for isn't straightforward. Unlike your typical digital camera, which automatically sets things like contrast, exposures, colour balance and so on, Hubble is not optimised to produce aesthetically pleasing pictures. It's optimised for science. Turning these scientific images into amazing images of the cosmos is not easy, as all of these variables have to be tweaked by hand. That's called image processing -- and ...


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