Real Video Footage UFOs Flying Around In Denver Colorodo

Real Video Footage UFOs Flying Around In Denver Colorodo Tube. Duration : 4.92 Mins.

Something is buzzing around the sky in Denver. It has been captured by at least two videographers and has at least one aviation expert baffled. According to a FOX TV affiliate, KDVR, a Denver man, wishing to remain anonymous, gave the television station home video that, he claimed, showed unidentified flying objects quickly zig-zagging and maneuvering in the sky over a populated section of the mile-high city. The man told the station that the UFOs have been appearing several times a week, generally between noon and 1 pm, and launching and landing somewhere in the Denver metro area. Fox 31 Denver news reporter Heidi Hemmat investigated the sightings and the video. "He captured the images on his digital camera from a hilltop in Federal Heights, looking south toward downtown Denver," Hemmat reported. "The strangest part is that they are flying too fast to see with the naked eye." "They're bugs! Set up two cameras side by side and triangulate the distance to the object. Clearly they consulted a man in the wrong profession," according to Doubtful News writer Chew. "Get someone who has studied UFOs. Or an entomologist." KDVR reported that both the FAA and NORAD couldn't confirm unusual activity in the skies over Denver during those noon-to-1 pm time frames. UFOs, debris, bugs? Check out the video above and the individual screen shots we've provided and make up your own mind.


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