Digital Photography - ISO

Digital Photography - ISO Tube. Duration : 4.65 Mins. One of the very first things in photography you will want to understand is ISO. ISO controls the sensitivity of your images sensor or how much light gathering ability your sensor will have. When we were shooting FILM it was called film speed, examples are 100-200-400-800 and 1600 ISO. Now, we no longer have film but it is still called your "film speed". In the digital camera you still have the ability to change your ISO generally from 100-3200 and in some cameras all the way up to 120000 ISO. You are no longer locked into one film speed until you finish the roll, you can change your ISO for every picture if you would like. Would it be a good idea to let the camera select the ISO for you? Absolutely not, you, are better able to determine what your settings should be. Let's dive into this head first and make it as simple as possible. Before I get into what ISO you should set for what situation lets look at what ISO directly controls. It controls how sensitive your sensor is meaning how much light it will gather. The brighter it is outside or in the situation you are photographing the lower your ISO can be. Keep in mind that ISO will directly effect your shutter speed. As you raiser your ISO your shutter speed will follow. For example if your shutter speed is 1/60th of a second at 100 ISO and you bump your ISO to 200 your shutter speed will jump one stop and go to 1/125th. The brighter the situation the lower the ISO, the darker the situation the higher ...


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