Life Cycles (2010) Field Scene

Life Cycles (2010) Field Scene Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

© 2010 Stance Films Directed by Ryan Gibb & Derek Frankowski Official Site: Download: Life Cycles is meant to be about the riders, and the deep connections they have with the bike. It is also about the art of filmmaking and capturing unique, attention-grabbing action sequences. To achieve this, the film was shot with the new high-definition Red digital cameras created by Oakley founder Jim Jannard. From the first images leaking out of Life Cycles' editing bays, it was easy to see this will be a film like no other: Cam McCaul back-flipping above a wheat field in Saskatchewan, Canada; shots of dust hanging in the air as Mike Hopkins charges down a steep slope of loose dirt...and more, but to find out you have to watch the film! Featuring: Mike Hopkins Thomas Vanderham Riley McIntosh Cam McCaul Graham Agassiz Evan Schwartz Brandon Semenuk Matt Hunter


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