Conspiracy Goes Mainstream: CNBC's Big Brother, Big Business

Conspiracy Goes Mainstream: CNBC's Big Brother, Big Business Tube. Duration : 10.02 Mins.

NOW ! ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NO LONGER HAVE ANY EXCUSE TO DISMISS YOU OR CALL YOU A CONSPIRACY NUT !! ALL THE THINGS WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT AND BEEN RIDICULED OVER IS NOW ON MAINSTREAM TELEVISION. THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES THAT THE OSTRICHES, THAT WE ALL KNOW, CAN USE TO IGNORE THE TRUTH. IF YOU SHOW THESE CLIPS TO YOUR SKEPTICS AND THEY STILL DISMISS YOU - THEY ARE THE ONES THAT LIVE ON FANTASY ISLAND. Conspiracy Theory - It is not just for "Nuts" anymore. It is like watching an Alex Jones video on mainstream TV. Good stuff in this documentary and surprisingly, CNBC is very fair to both sides of the argument. This CNBC documentary covers it all. RFID, Verichip, Surveillance Cameras, Biometrics, Google / Government Data Collection and Mining, Car Data Black Boxes, Facial Recognition, ID Theft, Cell Phone, Laser Printing, CDROM, and Digital Camera Tracking. I am actually quite impressed with this mainstream media outlet's detail and coverage. However, what this let's me know is that the fascist power mongers have the control grid infrastructure in place for Big Brother to begin its rule. And, that those in control feel confident in the scheme and no longer worry if the public knows. Maybe they're right - It is up to us to show them they are so wrong. THIS FIRST CLIP IS A SOMBER AND QUITE ENLIGHTENING INTRO. WATCH ALL 10 FOR THE WHOLE DOCUMENTARY.


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