euronews hi-tech - Tungstène - the fake photo finder

euronews hi-tech - Tungstène - the fake photo finder Video Clips. Duration : 3.97 Mins. A year ago, one photograph was everywhere: an image of Osama bin Laden, killed in a raid by US forces. But, in reality, the image was fake. That image did not come from a camera; it came fresh from a computer. But how can we tell the difference? At Agence France Press - AFP - in Paris, one man has developed software to help distinguish untouched photographs from their technologically doctored cousins. For a press agency, knowing the difference is vital. The software is called Tungstène. It was designed in 2009 in response to requests from the French army and the press. It does not handle classic analogue photographs but, given a digital image, it knows exactly what's what. A fake Iranian missile, too many funeral mourners in North Korea... Tungstène reveals every trick in the book. It works using up to 20 filters and a giant calculator. The date the photo was originally taken and the camera used to take it are also revealed. An optical filter, for example, shows up the diffusion of the light. In one example, an expert deliberately added a third aeroplane to a photograph. It is a manipulation that the programme recognises immediately. Roger Cozien, the man who wrote the programme, said: "We see the traces of turbulence behind the first two planes very clearly. We see very clearly the hot gas behind the planes and also their shape conforms to their makes. But in contrast, behind this third plane, we see there is nothing. That means that, physically, that ...


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